Monday, October 15, 2012

Derp :P Sorry. I've been a slacker. You know when you have those weeks where you're just like dead to the world?? Well...yeah, I'm having one of those weeks. Imagine you're drowning, and then somebody hands you like five babies. That's about how I feel with my homework right now :| I might not update this for a while :P Don't worry :P Its not like anything interesting will happen anyweay xD

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Okay, so, Matt didn't make me any cookies....Some lame excuse involving getting his braces on was mentioned....;) But its all good either way! Becaaause, I have the best cookie recip on the face of the planet. At least, for chocolate chip cookies it is. I'll post it later :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

And we're off! :D

So...this is my brand new blog :D And honestly, I really suck at keeping these things going, but I'm going to do my best not to flake out on this one. I'm not going to tell anyone about it until I'm sure that I can keep it yeah. Either way, here's to blogging! And hopefully to being able to look back on it and remember things :) Either way, I'll start with a little snippet of my life right now! I'm currently enrolled in high school with my best friend, Emma, and I'm somewhat patiently waiting for my most favorite bestest friend, Matt, to catch up....I do miss him so :'( Though I ought to be seeing him soon due to his owing me a plate of cookies ;) Wow...haha xD Sidetracked, much?? I am taking regular core classes, along with Choir, Musical Theatre, Spanish, and, of course, SEMINARY :D Yeah, I'm a mormon :} Still,though,Musical theatre is by far my favored class, and I look forward to it all day, every day. We're currently coreographing the song Being Alive, from the musical Company :D Its the greatest. Haha, listen to me rant! *Cough,cough*major theatre nerd*cough, cough* I'm single.....and I honestly plan to stay that way for a while. My last relationship was kind of a crash and burn kinda thing, soo...yeah. Think I'll wait a while before I try again :) I think that's prolly the end of my rant, and now you know a little bit of my life story at the yeah. Hopefully I'll get back to this in a little while, if not tomorrow. If Matt brings me my cookies, I'll take a picture of them, and post them for all to see ^_^